Here is the current sourse status, hover your mouse over the text to view when it was last updated
Course Status
Hockley: Golf course open, no restrictions.
Notices are posted at the club and on this website during the winter period - identifying if/when there may be possible restrictions on trolleys arising from forecast rainfall or heavy frost. For specific daily updates use the Club number - 01962 713165 - Option 1 - which the Course Manager updates by about 7:00am.
The actual decisions to restrict trolleys will always only be taken by the Course Manager on the morning of each day’s play - so if the forecast has been incorrect and rain or frost has not happened then no restrictions will be in place. Of course, conversely there may be occasions when heavy rain occurs when it has not been forecast, so please be aware that the possibility of a restriction at short notice will still exist, and if in doubt please call the pro shop.
(Please be aware that once the course condition has reached the stage where permission for motorized trolleys is withdrawn, it will require approximately 48 hours of drying weather before permission is granted once more.)
If you are intending to leave home and there is some doubt as to whether the course may be open, you should ring the Pro Shop (on 01962 713165 - Option 2) if you need confirmation as to current permissions, or alternatively, members can ring the Club (on 01962 713165 - Option 1) which goes through to the greenkeeper's answerphone for an early morning update.