
Hockley Golf Club

Entrant List for Ladies Coffee Morning

124 players have been signed up for this competition as of 8:11 AM Monday 17th February

Jayne Adamson (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Elizabeth Anderson (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Maureen Barnaville (Easthampstead Ladies Golf Club)
Laureen Barnes (Stoneham Golf Club)
Hilary Bartlett (Hayling Golf Club)
Pat Bayle (Easthampstead Ladies Golf Club)
Miwa Beer (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Julie Benford (Barton-on-Sea)
Deborah Bone (Hayling Golf Club)
Betty Bradbury (Chilworth Golf Club)
Sally Bradbury (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
lynda Bradford (Barton-on-Sea)
Marilyn Brady (Portsmouth Golf Club)
Angelena Brewer (Barton-on-Sea)
Gaynor Bruce (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Susan Bryan (Hayling Golf Club)
Fay Buckland (Moors Valley Golf Club)
Hazel Burnham (Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club)
Mandy Burton (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Lynn Butler (Castle Royle Golf & Country Club)
Amanda Capon (Skylark)
Elaine Capp (Alresford Golf Club)
Linda Carpenter (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Angela Carter (Skylark)
Sue Chalmers (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Deirdra Cuthbert (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Nina Davies (North Wilts Golf Club)
Lyn Davis (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Ritva Dean (Easthampstead Ladies Golf Club)
Jane Dore (Portsmouth Golf Club)
Joyce Dowse (Hayling Golf Club)
Lucy Dunn-Sims (Castle Royle Golf & Country Club)
Mavis Eldridge (Petersfield Golf Club)
Jo-Anne Feast (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Marilyn Finlay (Brokenhurst Manor)
Beverley Frame (Donnington Grove Hotel & Country Club)
Jill Freer (Brokenhurst Manor)
Denise Furnell (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Sarah Gibson (Petersfield Golf Club)
Sarah Gilroy (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Rosalind Godwin (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Debbie Goodsell (Donnington Grove Hotel & Country Club)
Deborah Grant (Skylark)
Janet Green (Wickham Park Golf Club)
Jo Grieve (Newbury & Crookham Golf Club)
Lynda Hallett (Skylark)
Denise Hallion (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Linda Hanna (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Hayley Harper (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Pam Harris (Skylark)
Sara Harris (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Julie Hart (Petersfield Golf Club)
Emma Hately (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Jean Haworth (Bramshaw)
Petro Henning (Hayling Golf Club)
Lesley Hibberd (Bramshaw)
Michaela Hoban (Skylark)
Linda Houlton (Skylark)
Janice Hounsham (Worldham Golf Club)
Pauline Howarth (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Jean Hughes (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Mary James (New Forest Golf Club)
Elaine Johns (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Margaret Jones (Chilworth Golf Club)
Eileen Jukes (Hindhead Golf Club)
Isabel Kent (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Gina King (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Pauline Last (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Kay Luffman (Wellow)
Anne Luypaert (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Annie MacAllister (Hayling Golf Club)
Jane Macrae (Alresford Golf Club)
Theresa Marsh (Skylark)
Linda Martin (Moors Valley Golf Club)
Pat Maultsaid (Skylark)
Rosemary McLean (Parkstone)
Janina McReath (Bramshaw)
Maggie Millard (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Sarah Moore (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Angela Moyse (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Clare Murphy (Moors Valley Golf Club)
Edmee Murray (Easthampstead Ladies Golf Club)
Sarah Patterson (Hamptworth Golf & Country Club)
Zena Payne (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Jill Penn (Worldham Golf Club)
Ann Pennell (Castle Royle Golf & Country Club)
Ann Pope (Donnington Grove Hotel & Country Club)
Jeanne Powell (North Wilts Golf Club)
Kim Ralphs (Skylark)
Kate Ratcliffe (Bramshaw)
Elizabeth Redpath (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Sally Reid (Alresford Golf Club)
Sue Reynolds (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Belinda Robinson (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Alison Russell (Skylark)
Leeta Rutherford (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Ann Saunders (Petersfield Golf Club)
Sally Sawyer (Moors Valley Golf Club)
Dorothy Shore (Alresford Golf Club)
Jackie Skinner (Worldham Golf Club)
Janet Snowball (Hindhead Golf Club)
Liz Sorrell (Hamptworth Golf & Country Club)
Anne Stewart (Hayling Golf Club)
Pauline Sutherland (Hayling Golf Club)
Carola Sutton (Blackmoor)
Abigail Talmondt (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Janet Torrance (Donnington Grove Hotel & Country Club)
Debbie Tuson (Skylark)
Debra Vout (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Claire Wallace (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Barbara Wareham (Hayling Golf Club)
Naila Webb (Brokenhurst Manor)
Tiggy Wellington (Skylark)
Tiggy Wellington (Skylark)
Jackie West (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Helen Willford (Brokenhurst Manor)
Angela Williams (Hayling Golf Club)
Rowena Williams (Cams Hall Estate Golf Club)
Margaret Wilson (Chilworth Golf Club)
Anne Woodman (Hamptworth Golf & Country Club)
Sarah Worthington (Alresford Golf Club)
Caron Wright (Skylark)
Jo Youngs (Alresford Golf Club)

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